
Jun 2014

Big Island Ukulele Guild
Minutes of June meeting 6/14/2014

To view meeting pictures, click HERE

Aloha BIUG members.

Big MAHALO to Chris for doing the heavy lifting on the photos and draft minutes.

We had a great meeting Saturday at Woodley and Julie White’s house in Naahelu – once again the southern-most gathering of ukulele builders in the United States. 


I hope all of you read Bob Gleason’s message requesting how many of you plan to enter ukuleles in our annual October show in Hilo – and how many ukuleles you each plan to enter. Please contact him directly at pegasusguitars@hawaiiantel.net.

FYI…Hats are in!  Anyone interested in purchasing these very stylish items can contact Chris or just show up at the next meeting.

Treasurer’s Report & Membership Info and Fee Increase

BIUG Secretary/Treasurer Tom Russell reported we have $3,760 in the bank.  Tom also discussed an analysis of club income (basically dues) and outflows.  The club currently spends about 2.5x that of it’s income primarily in support of the Wailoa Show.  After a lively discussion of trying to at least break-even on the show, the members decided that an increase in membership fees would be preferable to show entry fees.  It is hoped that between this increased membership fee and possibly a few ukulele sales, the show wouldn’t end up in the red.  

The good news is that, after a review of other club/guild membership fees, even an increase will still result in the BIUG being on the low end of the current membership fee range.  Therefore, effective July 15th, membership fees will increase to $30/year.  I believe this is the first increase since the Guild’s inception and it will allow “the show to go on”!

As an aside, the membership rolls will be cleaned up at the end of this calendar year with members not in good standing for the past 2 years removed from the mailing list and forum.

2014 Ukulele Shows - WAILOA

As mentioned above, Bob Gleason needs to know who will be entering ukulele’s for this show.  Please contact him directly.  He will likely hold a special Builders’ Workshop to construct the cases for those wanting to house their ukulele’s in a case.

2014 Ukulele Shows - WAIMEA

Woodley discussed the Waimea show opportunity at the Kahilu Theatre. It would be held for 3-4 days during the annual Waimea Ukulele and Slack Key Guitar Institute in November. Gary agreed to take point along with Larry.  While Larry was absent from the meeting, he was unanimously nominated!  Actully Larry mentioned he’d be a point person back at the January meeting.

Builder’s Workshops

Tom Russell shows off our new workshop project – a mortise and tenon jig

As reported via email, we had our first builder’s workshop at Tom’s shop where 7 members built a mini-thickness sanding jig. (see PHOTOS).  Tom then showed off a mortise and tenon jig that he and Chris put together as a future workshop project. A number of members expressed interest in building one.

Group Ukulele Build Project

A discussion about building ukuleles in a workshop was discussed at length.  Given we are a builder’s guild, members thought a workshop where builder’s can get together and build their own ukulele would promote club camraderie and offer insights on how to build from other memebrs.  

Tom Russell will take point in forming a small committee to work out the details.  It will require a number of volunteers to offer their shop so we can get good participation across the island.

Please contact Tom with questions, ideas, a desire to help or offer up your shop for the cause, etc.  

We anticipate this to start after the Wailoa Show.


A number of members offered up their own ukulele projects in the works during the show and tell.


Following lunch (sadly we were missing Julie our lovely hostess, so it was more like Super Bowl party snacks than one of her wonderful meals), Woodley and Bob Gleason gave us a sneak preview of the demonstrations they will present at the upcoming Guild of American Luthier's convention in Tacoma, Washington. Bob talked about top bracing and carving and Woodley showed various ways to join a neck and body.


Our next meeting will be Saturday, August 30th at Tom Russell’s Kona shop. Detail to come. Hope to see you there.

Tom Russell - BIUG Secretary/Treasurer
Chris Stewart - President

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© 2013 Big Island Ukulele Guild